Let's protect the earth(2)

And European countries
Among the most important recommendations of the Paris Climate Summit.
And signed by 194 countries around the world and the United States withdrew during Trump's tenure.
Who withdrew from him the first Thursday in June
The first point.
Stop global warming ... while the international community is committed to limiting global warming and keeping it below two degrees

The second point.
Review and lift equipment. It consists of setting up a mechanism to review the material every five years, and it is optional, not compulsory

Financial aid to the countries of the South ... to fight against the warming of weapons

Unfortunately, these agreements are nothing but ink on paper with the intransigence of the industrialized countries and their persistence in contaminating the earth and putting its life in danger.
This is why we always find environmental protection agencies opposed to certain meetings, such as Davos, the G8 summit.
Among them, the Green Brigade and other environmentally friendly companies ...


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